
MBF is operated by its’ Constitutionally (Memorandum & Articles of Association) approved governance structure. Different levels of functionary bodies make MBF effective as per its’  policies, guidelines, mandates and approved constitutions.    


The main guiding principles for governing MBF  lies in the MBF constitution (Memorandum & Articles of Association) as approved by the Registerer of Joint Stock Companies and Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh.  

Guardian Council: There is an Advisory Council for MBF. Executive Council form it for grtting guardianship with the iconic and prominent persons having geat contribution for nation in respect of Liberation war & petriotisom, social & economic devlopment, judiciary &  humanitarian ground, education, health and research, employment generation, religious ground and social changes.Their presence will enrich and insapire the activities of the society.  

Advisory Council: There is a Advisory Council for MBF. Executive Council form it for grtting for getting valuable suggestions, advises on different critical issues of the society. They are usually silected for 2 years of period having no voting power. EC may re-select them according to their contribution.Very important person like educationist, judicial person, advocate, health specialist, industrialist, businessman, sociologist, econoimist, inventor, philanthropist, change maker those contribution can’t be masured by any means, will be honoured as adv isor of MBF.  

All the general members of MBF constitutes the General Body of MBF who has right to change/make amendments, declare dysfunction or ‘moving forward’ of the organization. There are 25 enlisted and approved general members at this moment. The zeal to work for the development of the community and having the good track record of professional history are the prerequisites of an individual for becoming a member of MBF. To become a member of MBF, one must have a recommendation from one of its’ existing members and approval of the Governing Body, which is then approved by Executive Council.  

Executive Council

According to Memorandum & Articles of Association, there is an Executive Council of MBF. It works actively for setting up the standards and reviewing the overall policy guideline of the organization. The EC members oversee the implementation of the ongoing activities of the organization on a regular basis.

The Founder Chairman of MBF is now working as Chief Ececutive Officer (CEO) in innitial stage as MBF has just been established and not having so many programs. The Chairman/ CEO is responsible for overall implementation of the MBF programs and projects. According to Memonrandum of Association, total number of EC menbers may be 11 to 21.    

Operation policies

MBF has its’ own vision and missiostatement and values. MBF is guided by its, different approved policies, strategies and plans, these are as follows: 

  1. HR management Manual
  2. Gender Polocy
  3. Child Protection Policy
  4. HIV? AIDS Workplace Policy
  5. Ethics and Integrety policy
  6. Fradulance & Whistle blowing policy
  7. Comflict of Interest Policy
  8. Staff Retention Policy
  9. MBF Succession Plan
  10. Financial Management & Accounting Manual
  11. Pricing Policy
  12. MBF Expenses Policy
  13. Cost Sharing Policy
  14. Resource Mobilizing Strategy